How to Find Out Which Vitamin is Lacking in Your Body?

Today in this blog, I am going to tell you about some such symptoms by seeing which you can guess which vitamin or which nutrient is lacking in your body. So friends, it is common to have deficiency of vitamins in the body but often we are not aware of it. Unless our problems develop a lot or we do not do a blood test, we do not have any idea about which vitamin and which nutrient is happening inside our body. But if you understand these symptoms which I am going to tell you today, then you can easily guess which vitamin is deficient in you. To fulfill it, what should you eat or what should you do for it.

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7 Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

Our body needs a lot of nutrition, lots of vitamins and minerals to function in day to day life. Well, if you take a balanced diet then you keep getting this nutrition and there should be no shortage of it. But it has also been seen in many cases that you eat everything, take a very good diet, follow a balanced diet. You are not lacking in anything but despite that you start having deficiency of nutrition and vitamins. There may be some reasons for this:

  • The first reason could be that the thing you are eating is rich in nutrition but your digestion is not good.
  • Second reason: Digestion is fine, you are eating good things but you are not able to absorb them in your body.
  • Third reason: The things you are eating considering it good, do not contain as much nutrition as you think.Whatever be the reason, if you have vitamin deficiency, then some of its symptoms are visible in you.

ON Nails

 A close-up of a hand with short, clean nails, showing signs of vitamin deficiency.

The first symptom I am going to talk about is the appearance of white spots on your nails. This is a very commonly seen symptom which is seen in everyone, both children and adults. Often we think that the symptoms are arising from calcium deficiency in us. Whereas this symptom occurs due to zinc deficiency. If you are experiencing such symptoms, then you should take zinc supplements or eat zinc-rich foods. You get a good amount of zinc in meat, eggs, fishes, pulses and many seeds, you can use them daily.

Cracking Mouth Corners

Cracking of the area on the side of the mouth or excessive cracking of your heels. These are two such symptoms which point towards Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B3 inside your body. In fact, biting of the skin on the side of your mouth is very commonly seen in children. If you are facing this kind of problem or your children are facing this kind of problem or your heels are cracking a lot, then in that case you have to use some such things. Vitamin B complex is found inside them, that is, you get all the B vitamins at one place. You get Vitamin B complex in good quantity in peas, gram, kidney beans, broccoli and green vegetables

Oily Skin

Another very common symptom is we never associate oily skin with deficiency of vitamins or minerals. We think that this is the type of our skin. If there is a deficiency of zinc and other trace minerals in your body, then due to that your skin starts becoming oily. If you have problem of oily skin then you should take zinc, you should eat things rich in zinc like meat, egg, fishes and pulses. You have to eat less sweets because it also reduces zinc in the body.

Flaking Of Skin

 A woman gently exfoliates her face, showing flaking skin, possibly due to vitamin deficiency

Flaking means peeling off your skin. This problem is often seen on the side of your nose or on your forehead. This is a very common symptom that indicates Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency in you. For this you will have to start eating Omega 3 fatty acids. You can find Omega 3 fatty acids in almost all types of seeds (pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flaxseed, walnuts, fish oil).

Bleeding Gums

A close-up of teeth and gums showing signs of vitamin deficiency, causing bleeding gums.

That means your gums may swell or start bleeding. This happens due to deficiency of Vitamin C. Vitamin C affects the permeability of your capillaries, which are the thinnest blood vessels inside your veins, that is, it prevents blood from flowing inside them. If Vitamin C is used then the vulnerability of these veins increases and blood starts leaking out from inside them. Due to which you start having these problems inside your gums. To overcome Vitamin C deficiency, you should take citrus fruits. In citrus fruits, you get a good amount of Vitamin C in juicy and sour fruits like orange and lemon.

Pale Skin

Your face becomes pale or has a very white tone. Our skin naturally has a pinkish glow. If the redness on your face has started disappearing completely. If your face is completely white or you feel yellowness on your face, then it is a symptom that you are deficient in B12 or iron. For this, you have to start taking such things which either contain more Vitamin B12 and along with it, there is also more iron. If we talk about iron, you get a good amount of iron in beetroot, apple, egg, spinach and broccoli. If we talk about Vitamin B12, then all the products made from milk or milk contain a good amount of B12.

Night Blindness

This is a deficiency in which a person’s vision reduces at night or his vision becomes blurred. This basically happens due to deficiency of Vitamin A. Vitamin A, which is called retinol, is very important to improve night vision in our body. If you are suffering from night blindness i.e. deficiency of Vitamin A, then you should start taking things which contain more retinol. As far as Vitamin A rich foods are concerned, there are two types of things, one is vegetarian sources and one is non-vegetarian sources. All the vegetarian sources do not contain retinol i.e. active form of Vitamin A but contain beta carotene. You get retinol mostly from animal sources. So Vitamin A from animal sources is more beneficial for you. The best source for Vitamin A is egg yolk which is very effective. If you take two to three egg yolks daily, you will get a good amount of Vitamin A.

Vitamin deficiency in the body is more common than we think. If you are suffering from vitamin deficiency, then you need to pay a lot of attention to your diet. Try to include all those things in your diet so that you do not have this deficiency in future.

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